08 March 2017

Whoa Look at This!

You birds thought:
a. I had the big A and was out to lunch permanently.
b. I had become an introvert.
c. I did not have anything else to say.

None of the above. Just life reminding me that I am getting older. Honestly, I think that I just got tired and was doing too many other things. I still saw many things that I thought worth a blog, but I just did not write them down. If nothing else, this past election put many blog worthy things before my eyes.

Don't think that I am going to launch into political blogs over and over. I do think that it has been long enough now to peek up over the edge of the trenches. I even watched CNN the other day. Everyone will, I think, agree that we live in interesting times these days. I was raised by two parents that voted in every election but never discussed politics with me or each other as far as I know. I went with them to the polls and followed their example.

Am I a conservative or a liberal? I am a mixture of both philosophies. Neither democrat or republican in thought consistently. There is too much lee way between two rather rigid schools of thought. I really believe the voting citizens in our country are largely bi-political and vote a mixed choice most of the time. Where I grew up, a democrat was always elected. People spoke of being "a yellow dog democrat", meaning that before they voted republican, they would vote for a yellow dog. Things have changed now. To have a good chance of election now in my old neck of the woods, you have to court the republicans big time.

I do not think the whole two party system is worth a hill of beans (and I like beans a lot more than politics). So, who did I vote for??? I am not going to tell you because a secret ballot is just what it says. I will tell you that in my immediate family, I am exposed to rabid schools of thought on each side. With that in mind, I did what my dad did the only time he ever told me his vote. I don't know why he did tell me, but I do know when. It was in 1948 when Truman was opposed by Dewey. He had no good opinion of either man. Now, 60 years after his death, I could give him a good argument if we debated on those men now. In any event, I asked him who was his choice between the two. Surprisingly, he told me that he was voting for Senator Strom Thurmond. He said, there was no chance that Thurmond would win on the Dixiecrat ticket, or any other, but my father could still vote and not have to abstain. Does this give a clue as to how I voted this past November? 

My wife, Barbara, has always been about 180 degrees opposite of me in many things. We do discuss politics. This election was no exception, but she is a dear. I have always said that we had a nice life together in many ways, especially in politics. We usually cancel each other out. In 2016, we melded our choices, but they were not the same, still they were otherwise. The main candidates lost us, and two lesser favorites got our votes. So, I guess we still cancelled each other.

Now, it is done. Providence be blessed!  What comes next? Some of my acquaintances are really disturbed both in CH and the USA. Most are not moving to Canada, but I know of one Canadian who refuses to come to the USA while the current president is in office. I think it may be very interesting and possibly advantageous to have a business man run the federal government for a change. I don't envy any person the job no matter sex or color. I know of others of different color and sex that would have been my choice. Refusal to run can be a real indication of intelligence.

I just am going to wait and see. The two year mark is my guide for now. If the opposition does well at that point, then we all should have a better idea. In the meantime, I plan to do the same as with the last president. I will honor the office but reserve judgment on the holder. This is what I tell the anxious europeans. They have enough to worry about at home.

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