Since arrival here in the land of super size and 24/7, I have noted that the TV is inundated with talking heads. Most of them are talking about the distant presidential election and its candidates. Do they think, at this time, many of us are interested?
CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc. all are extolling the wonders of this or that person, offering critiques, wondering out loud about this or that, etc. This all done by "experts". Even people who are unannounced candidates are not spared.
Who are the beneficiaries of all this wind? Certainly, no voter is going to make a hard and fast decision today, so count them out. The people who are benefiting are the TV networks. Millions of dollars are already being spent from campaign war chests. All this goes to the networks. Knowing politicians, who thinks that a TV show has a hard time getting their mouths open? As a result, we are bombarded daily with blather on this or that possibility. So much for that. The networks rake in the dollars, and the politicians pay for and get, time to expound. We get to listen.
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