01 June 2006

Some Reasons that I Know Where I Am

It is a comfort to know where I am, especially now that I am past 65.

In Boston, a convicted killer of his wife is claiming "cruel and unusual" because the state is not willing to pay for him to complete his sex change operation. It seems that Robert (now calling itself Michelle) has had part of the procedures but not all. The court has ruled that he could continue but did not say the state should pay. This murderer's lawyer says his client is at risk of suicide if the tax payers don't subsidize his surgery. I guess he strangled his wife because she didn't want to live with another woman. Maybe someone will send him some clothesline.

Ever notice what goes on in a baseball dugout? I don't mean all the scratching, pulling, and patting. I am talking about the spitting, mostly sunflower seed hulls, but also just saliva. It goes on on the field also, but that dugout floor must be a mess after a game's worth of expectorant. Do pros get such a dry mouth?

I am going to have to go to the drug store and check this out. A men's anti-aging "lifting" cream (no, it is for facial wrinkles, dummy). Are men so vain now, that they have to have anti-wrinkle cream, as well as, shave their chests?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I most heartily agree. The American TV system is abominable.