27 May 2007

My New Idol- A Lawyer!!

The TV show, "Boston Legal" is held up almost entirely by a character called Denny Crane. I just love this guy who is played by William Shatner. I love Denny for lots of reasons. Just the way he says "Denny Crane" when he is introduced gives me a laugh.

Denny is much more than that however, he is irreverent, scandalizes people and ideas, he epitomizes "politically INCORRECT, has the morals of an alley cat (not that unusual in legal circles), and in general is just a lovable scoundrel. He can horrify anyone with barely more than a look.

There is a great site with a Denny Crane quote generator that I find very entertaining.


This clown gives reason for The Vent Guy to quake in his boots. He is at:


If we are all really honest with ourselves and insightful, most of us will identify, or want to identify, with Denny Crane. If not, then you have my sympathy.

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