14 January 2006

Blue Butt

I have never claimed to be a "blue blood", but I can now say that I am a "blue butt". While practicing my ballet moves along the lake path the other day, I busted buns on a patch of ice. My left buttlock and leg now look like someone took a 2 x 4 plank to it. At my age, I am thankful not to have fractured a hip, but I can tell you it felt like it for awhile. Now, most of the pain is gone, but the black and blue remains. I'd put a picture on the blog, but that would REALLY be scary. I did invest in a bag of salt for the local steps, etc.

In the meantime, winter remains with us. No big snows, but the last one is still here. The nightly ice fog makes it look like fresh snow each AM. Since the temperature hasn't been above 24F in several weeks, stuff hangs around. I LOVE WINTER!!

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