A new friend showed up the other day. Some would call her Octavia or Octavius. I don't know the gender, so I will leave that question open. I do know that this beautiful, inch long spider has a place in my balcony.
"It" showed up a week or so ago and wove a beautiful two plus feet web over my parsley and basil plants on the balcony. By accident, I disturbed the web, only to find it rewoven the next day. Now, I see Octavius on occasion. It being shy, it usually comes to web center only when some prey needs attention. I have noticed several flys, etc. In the web from time to time. Octavius waits high up in a corner until the struggles cease, and then the arachnid quickly wraps the prey in a cocoon of web for storage.
Yesterday, I observed Octavius having a meal. With one leg holding the fly, it was drained of its juices and then discarded. The picture is not a great one due to using a handheld digital camera at Macro setting. The spider is a light golden color with some black markings on its abdomen.
1 comment:
Hey Vance,
I think that little sucker is a Brown Recluse. Its bite won't kill you but it'll take about three months for the necrotic area to granulate in.
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