16 January 2006

More Blue Butt(s)

Just as my left buttlock is a nice blue-turquoise hue, the better half that lives with me in this abode takes a dive on the ice too. Technically, she has no blue butt, but her knee and elbow are not happy, so we don't look like twins. Anyway, mornings at our house sound like the inside a Calcutta pest hole with moans, groans, creaks, and other visceral sounds. The joint reeks of some new liniment that one of the local ladies swears by and probably makes, since it costs a lot. The heating pad is on overload, but finally we have some ice for drinks instead of packs. I expect that truth be known, the locals suspect mutual spouse abuse.

At least no blood was spilled externally, but there are some injured dignities for sure. Guess what? Snow is on the way until Thursday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you two need spikes on your shoes to help keep you upright. You are our link to the "promised land" so stop doing stupid stunts.